A highly fractured and faulted reservoir in Mexico with an active aquifer was successfully characterized by NITEC’s in-house technology. Reservoir simulation resulted in the identification of highly productive zones which were confirmed by drilling.
A highly fractured and faulted reservoir in Mexico with an active aquifer was successfully characterized by NITEC’s in-house technology. Reservoir simulation resulted in the identification of highly productive zones which were confirmed by drilling.
August 13, 2020
NITEC’s Dr. Tuba Firincioglu has won the Regional Reservoir Description and Dynamics Award for the SPE Rocky
June 2, 2020
“Impact of Temporary Well Shut-ins on Unconventional Reservoir Performance” Authors: Dr. Tuba Firincioglu, Director Unconventional Reservoir Projects,
March 17, 2020
Joseph Mozelewski from NITEC team will give a presentation on “Impact of observation wells on inventory verification