LYNX is NITEC’s integrated workflow-based software for reservoir modeling and simulation.
Its design is focused on streamlining pre-processing of the data needed for simulation in a unified database. Its unique reservoir characterization, reservoir engineering tools supports geoscience and engineering staff to work more efficiently. It provides various engineering assessment tools to quickly analyze the data and simulation results. LYNX has been in development for over 15 years and contains many technologies within including functionalities/workflows specific to Unconventional basins.
LYNX has powerful pre- and post-processing capabilities along with unique simulation input and output data analysis technologies. LYNX significantly accelerates the HM process and enhances the quality of the following:
- the reservoir characterization,
- the numerical simulation history match, and
- the simulation prediction analyses.
The software’s single database eliminates possible data transfer errors, provides a consistent single source for data, and significantly reduces the amount of time required to perform integrated studies.
It can handle multiple characterization cases/multiple upscaled simulation grids (models) and provide a comparison of results among them. It is a simulator pre- and post-processor with the analysis tools needed to truly integrate all the data and maintain consistency between the geologic model and the numerical simulation model.
List of Functionalities within LYNX
- Integrated Database
- Property Mapping
- Structural Mapping
- Gridding
- Compartmentalization
- Fracture Characterization
- Curvature Analysis
- Fracturability Analysis
- Fracture-Matrix Porosity Split
- Well Log Analysis
- Stratigraphy
- Cross Sections
- Petrophysics (Simple)
- Predictive well design
- Schedule generator for multiple simulators
- 2D, 3D Post-processing
- Saturation Functions
- Simple PVT Correlations
- THP to BHP conversion
- Upgridding properties
- Upscaling/Downscaling 3D Geomodels for simulation
- FSGM: Object-oriented fluvial sand generation model
- Cutoff Analysis for summations
- Capillary Equilibrium Model
- Facies Modeling
- Vertical/Areal Transmissibility barrier generation
- Matching Pro
- Planning Pro
- Forecasting Pro
- Thickness map split based on sub formation layers
- Unconformity surfaces
- Data Quality Checking Tools
- Error Maps
- Historical hydraulic fracture schedule design
- Predictive hydraulic fracture schedule design